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School of the World
300 M Este 50 N De La Pops, Escuela del Mundo, Playa Jaco Costa RicaOffice (outside Costa Rica) +506.2643.2462
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Practicing yoga in Costa Rica is an experience like no other. The Pura Vida vibe creates magical energy that you can feel in each breath and each posture.
But what if you’re new to yoga? To some, the poses and movements can be intimidating and advanced poses often feel out of reach.
If you’re a beginner yogi, we’ve broken down seven poses that are perfect for first-timers! Roll out your mat, find your center, and welcome yourself to the practice of yoga.
The Pose: Stand with feet hip-width apart and arms at your sides, palms facing out. Make sure your neck is aligned with your spine. While taking slow deep breaths, roll your shoulders down your spine, feeling an extension along your neck and entire backside body. Gently close your eyes and take slow deep breaths.
Benefits: Great breathing exercise, improves posture, and creates mental clarity.
The Pose: Come to your knees on the floor. Spread your knees out wide with your big toes touching at the back of the mat. You can bring your knees as wide as it is comfortable. Knees closer together offers a more restorative pose, while farther apart is more active. Bring your chest towards the floor and rest it comfortably on your knees. Allow your butt to sink closer towards your heels. Lower your head and shoulders to the floor and outstretch your arms and fingertips in front of you. Breathe deep and relax in this pose as long as necessary.
Benefits: Offers relaxation, connection with your breath, and stretches the back muscles.
The Pose: Standing with both feet firmly planted on your mat hip-width apart, bend at the waist, placing your palms on the mat in front of you. Walk your hands forward until they are in front of your shoulders and spread your fingers wide. Press your hips upward to create an inverted-V form. Keep your knees slightly bent with both feet flat on the ground, and sink your heels down towards the mat. Remember, your heels don’t have to touch the floor. Relax your neck, and bring your gaze in between your feet.
Benefits: Flexibility, stability, and lengthening of hamstrings and calf muscles.
The Pose: Come down to your mat and lay flat on your belly. Press the tops of your feet and your toenails into the mat. Bring your elbows directly under your shoulders, and lay your forearms flat on the ground, creating a 90-degree angle at your elbows. Press your hands and fingertips flat to the earth and start to lift your chest and your gaze to the space in front of you. Continue to press down to the ground as your collarbone and chest start to open up.
Benefits: Stretching collar bone, shoulders, and lengthens back muscles.
The Pose: Bring your feet hip-width distance on your mat and stand tall. Slowly fold at the waist bringing a slight bend to your knees. Grab opposite elbows and begin to sway slowly back and forth. Relax your head, neck, and shoulders to feel the release of the pose.
Benefits: Mobility, release of tension in the upper body, and grounding.
The Pose: Position yourself on your mat on all fours, with your knees directly below your hips and your hands directly below your shoulders. With your weight equally distributed between your hands, spread your fingers wide. For Cat Pose, inhale and round your back as you lower your chin to your chest. As you exhale, come into Cow Pose by lowering your back and lifting your head, tilting it backward, creating a bowl shape.
Benefits: Stretches the back, eases back pain, and brings movement to the hips.
The Pose: Lie on your back on the floor with your arms at your sides. Allow your feet to fall out towards both corners of the mat, and relax your body. Flip your palms up towards the sky, and gently close your eyes. Take one deep, full breath and audibly exhale allowing your body to sink into stillness. Lay in this poster, breathing normally for as long as you’d like. When you’re ready to wake up, slowly wiggle your fingers and toes, and begin to circle your ankles and wrists as your mind and body comes back to the space.
Benefits: Creates relaxation, ease, and an opportunity to surrender.
Ready to experience a true yoga connection in Costa Rica? Email us at to start planning your adventure.
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